We open the Joining The Dots Theatre Company 2021 season with a real-life story of Dorothy Day (one of our beloved “Dots”).
She was an intriguing woman. She was tough. She continues to be challenging. And she made a huge and heartbreaking choice. Joining The Dots Theatre Company (JTDTC) is proud to tell her story as a way of inspiration and a way of moving forward.
The original play by Jo Kadlecek has been adapted by the ensemble, and the cast and crew are thrilled to bring this unique woman to the stage.
Adele Querol, whom we adore in “Speak…easy”, steps into Dorothy’s shoes. She’s joined by Alex Bryant-Smith as Eugene O’Neill (yep, that one), Matt Abotomey plays the love interest, and the ship is steered by Nico Papademetriou (who also plays Mike Gold).
Our favourite quote from Dorothy Day (currently being considered for sainthood):
Just don’t call me a saint. I don’t want to be dismissed so easily.
Dismiss her at your peril!
There are ten shows for Hell Hole. And the preview kicks us off on March 3 at Chippen Street Theatre, Chippendale. For bookings, click here.
We will have systems in place to ensure you feel COVID safe, and you can see our covid guidelines here.
2021: Babette’s Feast – Postponed 2022
Speaking of “feasting”, our second production for 2021 is the adapted stage version of the much-loved film “Babette’s Feast.”
The splendid cast that was gathered for the 2020 attempt have all transferred their excitement to the new dates and we can’t wait to start working with them on this gem. Tickets are not yet on sale but if you subscribe to our newsletter, you’ll be the first to know.
For the diary
The season runs from 5th August – 14th August, with two previews set for the 3rd and 4th August.
The Greek Theatre at Marrickville will be our home for this production and we are confident that Sydney audiences are going to delight in this beautiful and uplifting story.
It’s A Wonderful Life
To finish our season, we are bringing the stage version of the most popular Christmas movie of all time to the Chippen St. Theatre–It’s A Wonderful Life.
I’ve lost count of the number of people who have told me that this is their favourite movie (evaaa!).
I can’t think of a more perfect way to finish our year of feasting that to tuck into a life-affirming story that finishes with “no man is a failure who has friends.”
So bring your tribe and fall in love with George Bailey.
For the diary
Tickets will go on sale later in the year for the season–running 3rd November – 13th November.
Can’t wait to see you in a theatre soon! Book now. Book often.