Past Productions
It’s A Wonderful Life
Directed by Nicholas Papademetriou
George Bailey has given up his dreams for the good of his home town. Struggling to deal with life’s knockbacks, an event happens on Christmas Eve that topples his world into darkness. When an unexpected visitor appears, George goes on a journey that will change his life forever. Brought to the stage, the much-loved Hollywood classic (#1 on the American Film Institute’s list of most inspirational films) tells a story that is as fresh and entertaining as it was in 1946 and with its themes of financial insecurity, high unemployment and the lack of affordable housing, it also speaks to our world today.

Babette’s Feast
The Australian premiere of Babette’s Feast
Directed by Nicholas Papademetriou
Two dutiful sisters. One tired village. And a stranger who takes refuge in both. Isak Dinesen’s much loved short story BABETTE’S FEAST is making its Australian premiere
by Mark St.Germain
Directed by Johann Walraven
In 1902, Albert and Mileva Einstein had a daughter. After 1904, the child was never seen or spoken of again. Many years have passed and now a reporter has come to interview Einstein about his mysterious family history, only to discover far more secrets under the surface. As the reporter questions Einstein about his theory of relativity and personal past, she develops a new, more pressing query: To be a great man, does one first need to be a good man?

Hell Hole: A Love Story
Adapted from an original play by Jo Kadlecek
Directed by Nicholas Papademetriou
Based on the real-life story of the American Catholic icon (Day is now being considered for sainthood for her radical service amongst the urban poor), Hell Hole explores the power of love to change the way we see, and respond to, the world.

by Margaret Edson
JOINING THE DOTS THEATRE first production played Dec. 5-8, 2018, to full houses, at the Noosa Arts Theatre.
“Speak . . . easy”
by Jo Kadlecek
JOINING THE DOTS Theatre co-hosted a public reading of “Speak . . . easy” on International Women’s Day, 8 May 2019, to a sold out audience in Sydney.

“Billy Creek”
by Ruth Tuxworth
Billy Creek, by Queensland playwright Ruth Tuxworth, explored radical love and racial tensions with poetic drama. It was read by a professional cast and open to the public. Aboriginal Christian leader/story advisor Brooke Prentis moderated the Q&A session which followed the reading.
“She Writes”
Written and performed by Nadine Mozon
JOINING THE DOTS Theatre co-hosted the production of She Writes by Nadine Mozon, visiting Theatre Artist, with Alison Chambers, Brooke Prentis and others. Nadine Mozon is an award-winning writer, poet, actor and associate professor of theatre arts. Nadine brought her unique voice to this delightful work in progress, revealing her observations about life in contemporary society