Welcome to 2022!
Welcome to the e-home of Joining the Dots Theatre Company. We are so ready to makesome theatre this year so let’s welcome to the stage our first production:
Relativity by Mark St Germain will play 29 th June – 9 th July 2022. What does a journalist who has talked her way into the home of Albert Einstein hope to uncover from her interview
with the genius? Johann Walraven will direct this beauty at Chippen Street Theatre and how wonderful it will be to see Nicholas Papademetiou transform into the father of modern
physics. I promise that no understanding of E=mc 2 is required! This is a small 50 seat theatre so I encourage you to book early, right here from May 1.
And then. Yes. She’s back. Babette’s Feast will finally have her season 6 th September – 17 th September 2022. There have been tweaks and changes that will mean you will see a fabulous Australian Premiere of this much-loved story. Dinner on the Table will take care of all deliciousness and dinners in the foyer before the Thursday, Friday and Saturday shows
will be available for a limited number of lucky/organised guests.
But that’s not all! We’ve also locked in It’s a Wonderful Life for a very special season at The Greek Theatre 4 th – 15 th July 2023 (ie next year). We will be celebrating Christmas in July
with the best adaptation of the best Christmas movie of all time. Does it snow in Marrickville?
Truly can’t wait to welcome you back in to a JTDTC production.
Book early. Book often.